Wednesday, January 12, 2011


So what's the deal with sponges?

Sure they may look pretty and colourful under the water but they don't seem to really serve a purpose. They just sit there looking all porous-like. So what's the deal?

Oh sorry, did you think those pastel coloured kitchen sponges were useful?

More like disease ridden pieces of soft foam just begging for some badass bacteria to move into those pores you once thought were so wonderful.

Honestly, nothing good ever comes with sponges.

The word even leaves a bad taste in your mouth. It sounds like "grunge" or "lunge" and who likes lunging? Sponges should officially take the plunge into being extinct.

Have you ever heard of the dreaded "sponge bath." Have you ever had to participate in one? It's not fun folks. There you are, standing in the retirement home that is down the road from your house. You thought it would be a great idea to volunteer and give back to the community. It's all well and good but suddenly things start to escalate and get intense. Next thing you know there is a sponge in your hand and an old, wrinkly human sitting in a tub of lukewarm water staring up at you with these puppy dog eyes.

All the while you're thinking "how did I get myself into this" and you begin to consider various escapes.

Maybe if you wait long enough they will fall asleep...
or maybe you can invent a robot in the next 5 minutes to give the sponge bath for you, but with your luck the robot will be incredibly intelligent and refuse to do such a demeaning task.

Maybe you should just jump out the window.

Then you think you hear evil laughter and you're convinced that it's God mocking you, or maybe it's the sponge, who knows.

But no, you can't do any of those things so you are stuck scrubbing the hairy back of a decrepit old man with that wretched sponge.

Has this ever happened to you?       No?

Me neither.

Regardless, sponges are gross and vile and should not exist.

Except for maybe Spongebob Squarepants, he's cool.

Aww look at how happy he is!


Megggle said...

@Anonymous lol Obviously, my entire blog is a joke and if you read my other posts you would realize that :P Anyone that takes me blogs seriously is probably an idiot to begin with. Also, this blog was about kitchen sponges. It makes me wonder if you read past the first line.

Anonymous said...

well, "meggle" i am glad you found a way to waste you time on the internet. and no i am not an idiot i am i strait A student. oh and by the way, if you want to make fun of something, choose abortionist or something worth making fun of... sponges? really! I for one didn't think the blog was the slightest bit funny. i am sorry you even tried

milly said...

hey anontroll
go back to 4chan

Megggle said...

@Anonymous, It's just something that I do for fun if I get really bored. I never called you an idiot, I said whoever takes my blogs seriously probably is one. Also, for a *straight* A student, you sure make a lot of spelling and grammar mistakes, such as neglecting capital letters and using the word "abortionist" in the wrong context. If you don't like my posts then don't read them, simple as that. You are one to talk saying I'm wasting time on the internet when you seem to spend your time writing unecessary comments just to get a rise out of me. Well news flash, I don't care what the trolls of the internet think XD so move on.

Anonymous said...

MEG, this world is full of people who have nothing better to do but criticize everybody else! This is a typical insecurity complex.It usually exhibits itself with people with physical or social disability.
They will try to pull other people down to make themselves feel taller.
People like anonymous, are probably short,awkward around the opposite sex and very insecure! We should show patience and pity these types of people and hope that one day they may rise to an intellectual level that supersedes the need to be arrogant and insulting to others!
I love reading your blogs!They are very amusing and entertaining and show a beautiful side of your personality.You have a charming sense of humour and you random musings are not lost on me!
Keep going Meg!
not so anonymous "Dad"

Anonymous said...

trolololololol.. WAIT.. my egg rolls are done in the oven so I must attend to them immediately. -insert randomness here- My Pikachu just evolved!! woot! I think this anonnoob who's insulting your blogs should learn to spell because he is showing very low levels of any intellectual capability what so ever. I am a random dood doing random things so please don'd mind my randomness. LAMPSHADE!
Yours Truly,
Person umad?8D derp.

Megggle said...

@Awesome Anonymous, LMFAO omg I want to know who wrote that SO bad XD I think it just made my night. Enjoy your egg rolls :P

Anonymous said...

Well... tooooo bad becuz you shall never find out who I am >:] p.s I don't know who well enough to know that your're name is Megan but i call you it anyways. DID I JUST CONFUSE YOU? I think i did.
Yours truly
Person carrot

Anonymous said...

P.S The bad grammar was intended :3