Monday, January 17, 2011


              There was one time way back when I was 5 and it was...

              Wait no, maybe I was 7...yeah I was 7 and I was playing 
              a baseball game when...

              No, no that's not right, it was soccer I think.

              Hold on, I'm in the wrong decade. I played soccer when I was 
              8. Is decade the right word? No I meant to say year.

What was I talking about? Oh yes, my story!
I was walking down the road and I saw a cat, it was orange...or brown? I was trying to pet it to see if it would trust me.

But then something happened. I can't quite remember but I assure you it's a thrilling story...

Memories are golden. I truly cannot imagine what life would be like if my memory wasn't somewhat functional on a normal level.

I'm a person that lives in the past. I love to relive old memories, "walk down memory lane" so to speak.
I could get really inspirational but instead let's talk about something exciting!

Imagine we invented a machine...a machine that could take us back to old memories so we could ACTUALLY relive them or even CHANGE them. IMAGINE THE POSSIBILITIES.

Hmm, I think I just described a time machine.
oh well.

EDIT: ATTENTION! Ignore everything you just read. That was Megan from the future. She came from a year from now actually.

Turns out we did invent a time machine (cleverly named the memory machine) and it's existence has created a hole in the space-time continuum leading to the end of the world.

So there you have it, it's all my fault and the Mayan's knew it. WE MUST BAND TOGETHER TO STOP THIS FROM HAPPENING!

What was this post even about?
I really have no idea where I was going with this.
I'm tired.

How is it that you can have the busiest day and be full of energy but on the days where you do absolutely nothing it's like you ran a marathon and a half.

Kitteh ran marathon...and a half.
On another note, foot cramps suck. Technically any kind of cramp suck but foot cramps especially. Mostly because they involve feet and feet are horrid in general.

Do you ever experience times when you are sleeping peacefully, dreaming about rainbows and butterflies and hammers...

What? I'm sure there are people in the world who dream about hammers...

I dreamt that my light switch turned into a shower head last night. True story.

Anyways, do you ever have those nights where you are suddenly jarred awake by some unknown pain which you quickly realize is located in your foot. Your toes are spasming as if they are saying, "HOLY TOLITO BATMAN, SOMETHINGS UP AND IT'S GETTING TO BE SERIOUS BUSINESS!"

Feet are gross.

Then you spend the next 5 to what-feels-like-forever minutes trying to tell your foot to calm down.

You try standing on it, rubbing it, talking to it. All the while you are half asleep, almost trying not to wake up too much because then you'll never be able to fall back asleep.

Then FINALLY it's gone and you slowly try to creep back into bed. Right when you get comfortable...BAM. Foot frenzy. This happens over and over and over again.

This happens to me quite often. How does it make me feel you ask? Well I'll tell you since you asked so nicely.

It makes me think: Boy I could sure use a banana right now.

BECAUSE BANANAS HAVE POTASSIUM AND POTASSIUM IS YUM...I mean, good for foot cramps or something.

No banana! I demand you be more happy! You're killing the mood!

MUCH better!

I still don't remember what this post was supposed to be about.


becomingestel said...

Best post ever! I can now go to sleep happy.. dreaming about feet, bananas, hammers, rainbows, time machines, kitties and other cool stuffs. Well done Megggle!

Megggle said...

lol why thank you caterpillar! This is what my sleep deprived mind comes up with haha